Sunday, July 15, 2012

Easy, Safe. Home Products to Enhance Health!

I have enjoyed using safer home products for more than 18 years. I found environmental choices long ago when I had a cleaning business and the standard cleaners were overwhelming me. At that time my dear friend Beth introduced me to Melalueca, a wellness company that created everything we use in a safer form. No label reading, no seek and find mission at the store, a one stop source for healthier alternatives.

I shared this company, it is set up in a networking system, using customers as the sales force, with so many 16 years ago. Many thought "who cares Lyn". I appeared to be over the top, off the wall, out of my mind to care. Flash forward to now! As a cofounder of the Green Collaboration, we actually have so much science that alerts us of all things on and around has a good or bad effect on your health! Even the  community is interested in the wellness of our spaces.

So once again I will throw out there the greatness of Melalueca! A total health and wellness company from all angles and extensive products beyond what they began with. I have been a customer, monthly ordering their fine products monthly from laundry detergent, cleaning, shampoos, lotions, hand soaps, vitamins, even nutritional products! I have the highest esteem for this company being such a loyal customer!

One great thing is that you don't have to lug the heavy stuff from the grocery store, it comes to your door! I perimeter shop the grocery store and skip the center aisles that house our personal care products. Certainly, I use other brands here and there for variety and  delight. Yet the bulk of my home is filled with Melalueca products!

Melalueca is tea tree oil,  its common name. It is a magical healer in the world of plants! It is a solvent, thus cleaner, antibacterial and antivirus, health enhancer, can penetrate deeply for internal issues, and is an Australian plant medicine used by the Aborigines!. Many have heard of this oil which is a base of some of their products. Tea tree oil alone is a magic elixir that many are aware of.

If you are seeking to care for your sacred space of your home and body with something easy and healthful that will switch up your well being, you must investigate,  I can share this with you! It is an easy way to convert products as you run out with healthful choices, delivered to your home, cost effective quality products, simple monthly order that uses dollars you are already spending at the grocery store, and better choices for you and your family.

They have so educated me over the years as well. It is an easy choice rather than investigating all your products! I am a bit lazy at these more mental details. I have decided it is time to share this company as my purpose of wellbeing and empowerment grows in many ways. Empower yourself with care of your sacred body! It is an important step in expansion!

As far as the networking part of it which so many people have a negative feeling about. Let me share this with you, Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both have network companies and suggest them as part of your income stream because sooo many products are shared via this system, ie Mary Kay and Avon ladies. Knowing other families, mostly stay at home moms are receiving dollars for creating more health in their communities has always been a wonderful thing to me. Knowing that for 18 years, families have made a few dollars on my monthly home usage has sung my heart! Spreading the wealth about! Enhancing lives, sharing health and empowering green thinking and green in the wallet are all part of my purpose here!

I invite you to learn more by emailing me at!

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